EASA requirements for CRM Trainers

on demand courses, aviation, naviminds

Understanding the EASA requirements for CRM trainers can be a daunting task. With the CRM regulations constantly evolving, this article intends to provide an overview of the latest EASA requirements for personnel who offer training, checking, and assessment.

Sterile Cockpit Rule – What It Is & Why It Matters

cockpit safety, cockpit sterility, distraction-free environment

The sterile cockpit concept requires the flight crew to only carry out activities required for the safe operation of the aircraft during critical phases of flight (normally below 10,000 ft) and forbids all non-essential activities in the cockpit.

Unlocking Success: Why Emotional Intelligence Matters & Tactics to Train It

what is EQ

In a world where academic qualifications and technical skills take centre stage, we often forget to give closing credits to a character that plays a pivotal role in our professional and personal lives: Emotional Intelligence (EI) Also known as emotional quotient (EQ), EI is the ability to recognize, understand, manage, and effectively use emotions in […]

Changing Pilots’ Behaviour? How to Improve Behaviour-Based Safety Training

Behaviour-based safety training

New to the world of behaviour-based safety training?  Let’s start with the basics.  What is behaviour-based safety training? Behaviour-based safety training involves adjusting behaviour to promote a safer operational culture.  Admittedly, the name is sort of a spoiler alert.  In behaviour-based safety training, we will have one of two goals. We either train to maintain a desirable […]

Pilot Fatigue: How We Can Deal With Fatigue in Training

Pilot fatigue

Before diving headfirst into the dangers of pilot fatigue, we’ll start where most fall off.  What is pilot fatigue? While we tend to nod when anyone mentions the word fatigue – do we really understand what it means to be fatigued?  Visiting the coffee machine once or thrice, contemplating when you’ll see your beloved futon, […]

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