EASA requirements for CRM Trainers

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Understanding the EASA requirements for CRM trainers can be a daunting task. With the CRM regulations constantly evolving, this article intends to provide an overview of the latest EASA requirements for personnel who offer training, checking, and assessment.

It is worth noting that EASA refers to CRM Trainers (CRMT), which is the same as CRM Instructors (CRMI). 

For those looking for detailed requirements of CRM trainers, EASA Part AMC2 ORO.FC 146 serves as the essential reference point. 

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Flight crew CRM Trainer candidates are required to:

Requirement 1

Requirement: Complete an initial CRMT course (40 hours/5-days). 

What it means: To become qualified as a CRM trainer, you must undergo a 5-day CRMT Core course

Requirement 2

Requirement: Have adequate knowledge of Human Performance and Limitations (HPL). 

“(i) have adequate knowledge of human performance and limitations (HPL), whilst: 

(A) having obtained a commercial pilot license in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011; or

(B) having followed a theoretical HPL course covering the whole syllabus of the HPL examination;”

What it means: Most pilots holding a CPL/ATPL will already have followed an HPL course. This is, however, not the case for cabin crew members. To qualify as flight crew CRM trainers, cabin crew members must complete an HPL course to become eligible to meet EASA’s requirements for CRM trainers.  

At NaviMinds, we offer an integrated training pathway to make it easy to get compliant. When booking a CRMT core course with us, you can seamlessly integrate it with our Human Performance and Limitations course for a discounted rate. 

See our upcoming HPL courses.

Requirement 3

Requirement: Have adequate knowledge of the relevant flight operation in accordance with (d)

“(d) Knowledge of the relevant flight operations 

(1) The operator should evaluate the experience and knowledge of the flight crew CRM trainer. The evaluation of the operator should include at least: 

(i) the operational experience of the flight crew CRM trainer as a flight crew member; 

(ii) whether this experience as a flight crew member or a former flight crew member covers the aircraft category, the aircraft generation and the form of operations, as relevant to the operator. 

(2) if the flight crew CRM trainer does not have the relevant knowledge of the relevant flight operation based on the evaluation in (1), the operator should provide training to the flight crew CRM trainer to provide the adequate knowledge. 

(3) The operator should describe the assessment and training in the operations manual.” 

What it means: The specific of (d) can be interpreted in various ways. Some authorities require a flight crew CRM trainer to have experience as a flight crew member or a former flight crew member. Other authorities interpret this slightly differently and allow cabin crew (with no experience as flight crew members) to conduct CRM training for flight crew members, provided they have adequate knowledge of the aircraft category, generation, and form of operations relevant to the operator. 

Alternatively, EASA states that one can establish a team of CRM trainers. 

“(e) Team of CRM trainers 

If the flight crew CRM trainer is qualified in accordance with (b) but does not meet the conditions defined in (d), he or she may be assisted by a training assistant that has the knowledge of the relevant flight operations. 

As in accordance with (e), cabin crew members with no flight crew experience can conduct CRM training for flight crew members if this happens together with a flight crew CRM trainer that meets the conditions in (d). 

Requirement 4

Requirement: A CRMT certificate has a 3-year validity period, during which a trainer should conduct at least 3 CRM training events within the 3-year validity period. 

What it means: Once you’ve completed a 5-day CRMT core course, your license is valid for three years. During this time, you must complete three CRM training events/sessions. Before the end of the three years, you must receive a CRMT Refresher course to renew your license. 

Requirement 5

Requirement: When conducting their first CRM training course, a CRM trainer should be assessed by a CRM trainer examiner (CRMTE) nominated by the operator. The CRMTE must have a minimum of 3 years of experience.

What it means: After completing an initial course, an experienced flight crew CRM trainer must assess the CRM trainer. To evaluate their ability to demonstrate the knowledge and ability to train the CRM training elements in a non-operational environment. 

Requirement 6

Requirement: A CRMT assessment is valid for three years. Operators who do not have the in-house capabilities to assess their own trainers may use third-party providers. 

What it means: The CRMT assessment has a 3-year validity period. Operators who are small or simply don’t have the resources to conduct the assessment themselves can request an external provider. At NaviMinds, we offer this service, which is included in all our CRMT core courses. 

Book an EASA compliant CRMT Core, refresher or HPL course

CRMT Core course 5-day

Ensuring regulatory compliance can be challenging. At NaviMinds, we make it easy. Current or former flight crew members lead our CRM training courses, ensuring a practical and hands-on approach. Moreover, our courses fully comply with major regulatory bodies worldwide, including EASA, ICAO, FAA, CAA, and others.

Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive training programs.

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Picture of Anne Knudsen

Anne Knudsen

Anne's career began in the late 80s as a cabin crew, and she was quickly drawn to the world of flying. After a few years, she became a pilot and flight instructor in several larger airlines. Presently, Anne holds the role of CEO at NaviMinds.

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